Pre-Easter Celebrations

With kids, there are always a variety of celebrations before holidays. This year we've had the chance to enjoy many Easter activities with both the kids, as Parker is now old enough to understand the attraction of eggs filled with candy. We started with our community Spring Fling a few weeks ago. They had a petting zoo, pony rides, egg hunts, cake walk, and other fun games. The kids had a blast, even if it did creep into their nap time. Checking out the chicks. Cowgirl! She had to hold every single bird at least 4 times and then show everyone else how to do it. What do I do with these?? High-five for the Easter bunny! Fun bus! Next came the Easter Bonnet Parade and egg hunt at Ainsley's preschool. She picked out all the things to decorate her hat and received her first lesson on the temperature of a hot glue gun (a hand down from my grandfather, which amazingly still works)! The whole class Egg hunt. Showing off their goodies. Last weekend the kids were at Nana and Papa's...