DisneyWorld: Days 3-5

After some more conference activities, we went back to the Magic Kingdom on Saturday. Ainsley was rested up and ready for some more Disney fun. We finished the rides that we missed on our first day, and watched one of the parades. It was raining on and off all afternoon but it didn't dampen her spirits. We had a special dinner at Cinderella's castle, and she got to meet 5 princesses. You can imagine how thrilled she was! Sassy girl! Waiting for Pirates of the Caribbean We rented a stroller this day because she was still a little tired from being sick the night before. Plus it gave her a little place to escape the rain. Dinner in the castle! While heading out of the park we managed to meet Tinkerbell. There wasn't anyone else behind us so they got to talk for several minutes! Our hotel was starting to put up Christmas decorations. Some snuggle time on Sunday before heading to Universal Studios. There w...