My Little Soldier

Parker has been having such a fun time at Ms. Kari's house. We weren't sure we would ever find someone we loved as much as Ms. Robin, and we do still miss her dearly. But Ms. Kari has been a blessing, and we are glad everything worked out so well! Kari's daughter Meredith is just a few months older than Parker, and the two of them play together nicely. Parker has preschool every Tuesday and Thursday, and they go to bible study together every Wednesday. Ms. Kari also takes them out to do other fun things like story time at the library, and play dates around town. Here are some other things that my little guy has been doing recently!

Boys seem to be born with an innate sense of fighting. Parker is definitely a boy. He is now obsessed with finding the perfect stick, which he will swing about and pretend to fight with. Mostly he's quite harmless, but occasionally he will stab his sister with it (usually after she has taken something that he wants, so I can't really blame him). 

Sometimes he finds a really big stick.

A visit to the zoo!

A visit from the firetruck at preschool!

Playing hide-n-seek with Meredith.

Learning about Native Americans as we prepare for Thanksgiving.

Occasionally Ainsley gets to go to Ms. Kari's house too. Last week it was parent-teacher conference day so she did not have school (but I did). She spent the day at Ms. Kari's house, and after helping her with some projects they all had fun at Chick-Fil-A!

A scary spider! 

Parker learned to ride a scooter at Ms. Kari's house. It's one of his favorite things to do every afternoon!

Helping Ms. Kari at Costco. 

Parker and Meredith hold hands in the car every day. He can't say Meredith so he calls her 'Merida.' They are so cute - best friends!


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