Holiday Cheer

It's hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner! This year we decided not to do a big Christmas tree - Parker is into everything and I didn't want to worry about him chewing on it. Instead we put up a small table-top tree. Ainsley still got to put on the ornaments, and Parker loves playing peek-a-boo under the table. A win for everyone! 

This past weekend was the Christmas concert for Ainsley's preschool. She got to wear her Christmas dress and sing a few songs with the other 3 year olds. Videos are below. They're a little shaky due to the fact that I had to crawl over a dozen other parents to even get close to the stage. These preschool parents are a little crazy about taking pictures (notice I don't include myself in that stereotype.)  A fun afternoon for all, and definitely got us in the Christmas spirit!

Ainsley and Julianne before their concert.

There's nothing better than hearing those beautiful voices, and seeing those festive outfits! 


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