
Although challenging at times, raising children does add a bit of humor to life. I'm amazed at some of the things that come out of my daughter's mouth. Where does she get this stuff? Her little mind is always growing and absorbing new things. And although sometimes she makes me want to scream, she also makes me laugh everyday.

While reading "The Big Red Barn", Ainsley looks at this picture and asks "Mama, why is there a pig in the cow's butt?"

On the way to vote on Election Day I was explaining to Ainsley that I would be voting. "What's voting?" she asks. I explain that we will stand in line, and Mommy will stand in a booth and mark some things on a machine, and when we're all finished I'll get a sticker. She pauses for a moment, and then asks "Is 'voting' like pumping?"

After running errands I tell Ainsley that she needs to take a nap when we get home. "I'm not tired! I don't want to take a nap!" She repeats over and over again. Suddenly it's quiet. I look in the backseat and see this...

Last week I had asked her to hold the iPad while I packed the car to head to hunting camp. She accidentally dropped it on the floor, and Daddy reminded her that I had asked her to take good care of it. At this point she hears me walking into the room and whispers to him "Don't tell Mommy, okay?!" 

I have the feeling that I'll be hearing a lot of that in the years to come...


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