Momming with Anxiety: Day 44

I woke up this morning and a feeling of helplessness washed over me. All the unknowns are creeping up and threatening to smother me. It's a wave that comes over and over again. I get to the top of one and then another hits. I have always been a planner. Sometimes I worry. But I very rarely have anxiety. I try to focus on what I know and what I have control over. What DO I know? I know what will happen for the next 4 weeks. I know the kids have school until May 22 and I will do my best to balance it with work. Got it. I can do that. 

But what happens after that? What will they do all day when school ends and I'm still working and camps haven't started up yet? What if camps never start? Do I cancel the camps now and try to get some money back? Or do I wait and see if they cancel and give me a refund? Do I move their camps to later in the summer when they're more likely to happen? But if I wait to see if the June camps are cancelled then all the July and August camps might be full. What if I'm home with them all summer trying to work and deal with them? Will we be allowed to go to the beach? Will we be allowed to take our vacations? What if we can't take our vacations? What will we do instead? What if one vacation gets cancelled but we could go the beach instead. But if I wait until June to book a beach house then there won't be any available. That's fine. We don't have to go to the beach. We can just stay here and go to the pool. What if the pool doesn't open? OH MY GOD!!!! WHAT IF THE POOL DOESN'T OPEN?!?!?! 

This has been my frame of mind ALL DAY LONG.  My DH offers to talk it through and help, but there is no help. I have no answers. And he doesn't have them either. We just have to wait. Wait for the governor to tell us what happens on June 10. And try to be okay with waiting and making last minute decisions. 

My husband likes to laugh at the time I said that I could, in fact, be spontaneous. I just needed to plan for it. Unfortunately I cannot be spontaneous in a pandemic. I usually plan out every hour of our summer in March. You can't tell me that I have to wait until June to find out what we are doing. That does not suit. Yet here we are. Waiting. And drinking. 


  1. First, I've read a few posts, and love your musings. Second, This is me, you are in my brain. Are you in my brain?? I have had question after question after question bouncing in there and second guessing every single minuscule action.

    Maureen hit the nail on the head with the MEO quote today,

    Fear does not stop death. It stops life.
    And worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles. It takes away today’s peace.

    Stay strong mama! We've got this.


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