Double the Moms Momming Hard : Day 22

Life is always better when your best friends are living with you. School... not so much. The kids did try their hardest to focus on their school work, and they actually got most of it completed. They helped each other out with several collaborative projects. The best thing about having two moms in the house is that there are two moms in the house. She and I could take turns helping the kids with school work when the other one had a class or a meeting. It doubled our work productivity! #Winning! 

The other nice thing about having another mom in the house is that my kids will listen to her better than they will to me. Or at least they won't roll their eyes at her. Tag teaming on discipline is the way to go. I'll yell at your kids and you yell at mine. Much more efficient. 

The kids rode bikes and scooters and we went for a long walk after a busy day of learning. My crock pot meal was enjoyed on the back deck, and we toasted our collective success on surviving a work day with 8 people in the house. 

Parker and Kara played 'multiplication war' for math practice. 

Panda decided that he had helped me enough and it was time to help Melissa with her work. 

Kara read her book to Panda, who is a very good listener. 

The space station was flying over again (the third time in the past several days) so we made sure to watch it. 

The end of another beautiful day, and we are so happy we could spend it with friends. You don't realize how isolating this all feels until you spend time around other people. I know this is just a short reprieve in our long lockdown, but it sure is wonderful! 


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