Momming Hard in the Yard: Day 29

Easter Monday is also a day off school, which worked out well since we still had a lot of yard work to finish. We added more dirt and built chicken wire fences around all the beds to keep the bunnies out. Luckily we don't have (many) deer that jump the fence into our yard, and hopefully they won't decide to start now. Then the kids helped plant all of our fruits and vegetables! 

We will be growing lots of herbs (basil, oregano, rosemary, mint, cilantro, parsley), lettuce, tomatoes, squash, zucchini, broccoli, red onions, green onions, strawberries and...corn (insert eye roll - I told my kids we would plant TWO corn seeds and see what happens). 

The kids also got a fun Easter gift from Grandma and Grandaddy - a photo album from their summer visit! They had a great time reminiscing over their 2-week adventure on White Oak Mountain. 

I should now mention my #momfail. I had planned a nice Easter dinner yesterday of ham, sausage balls, green beans, rolls... but after working in the yard all day we all crashed hard. So I decided we would have our big Easter meal today. Well, that didn't go so well. I decided to make the sausage balls as an appetizer for late afternoon. Never made them before.  Looks easy, right? Well I read one review that they used parchment paper so they'd just slide right off the pan. I have silicon baking sheets but for some reason forgot about them. Reached in the cabinet and grabbed the wax paper. Yeah, wax paper is not the same as parchment paper (insert forehead-slapping emoji here).  So I threw away an entire batch of wax-melted-sausage balls. Whatever. Lesson learned. 

I baked the ham and made the green beans.  Seems hard to mess up, right? Wrong. Apparently I bought the wrong green beans - they were petite and skinny. So by the time the bacon had cooked through, the green beans were like little sticks (insert another forehead-slapping emoji here). 

So our delayed-Easter-dinner turned out to be ham. We had ham and ice cream for our (day-after) Easter dinner. Sigh. I had a pretty big pity party and beat myself up over my failure to cook a decent holiday meal for my family. But as my DH pointed out, the kids don't care. They were perfectly happy to have ham and ice cream for dinner and this experience will not scar them for life, despite my fears otherwise.  I'm trying to give myself a little grace and lower my expectations of what I can do right now. It's a work in progress. 


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