Momming Misery on a Rainy Day: Day 36

It rained today. Like almost all day. We all woke up in a bad mood. Last night Parker was scared that he would have nightmares. He didn't have his fort to sleep in, and he couldn't have a sleepover with Ainsley. So he was scared and I ended up pulling out his pop-up rocket tent and putting it on his bed. 

Ainsley was crying by 8:20 a.m., frustrated by school and technology. She did her work but didn't post it. Or she posted it but didn't understand it. Or she thought she understood it but she ended up getting it all wrong. She is embarrassed to ask her teacher for help. "Why would you be embarrassed? No one in your class would even know you asked for help! You aren't in a classroom with them!"  Sigh...  so we continued our trend of good day / bad day. Yesterday was Parker's bad day. Today was Ainsley's bad day.  Parker had an awesome today. He did a great time with his school work and enjoyed reading in his bed/rocket tent. 

He is starting a unit on poetry so I grabbed our Shel Silverstein books and he was immediately hooked. 

Once Ainsley got over her crying fit and figured out what assignments to re-do, she managed to get through the rest of the day. She even finished one of the coloring pages she's been working on for the last week. 

See, there's my happy girl again!

I'm not gonna lie. Today was hard. I don't know if it was the rain that dampened our mood, or the fact that I didn't get outside to walk the dogs this morning. Or maybe that we are starting Week 6 (with still 6 more to go). Maybe it's the Monday Blues. Whatever it is, it seems to have affected the whole household (although kuddos to my DH for making the kids lunch and putting on a brave face when confronted with two emotional women in the house).  No sunshine = unhappy mama. Hoping tomorrow's return of nicer weather will brighten all of our spirits. 


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