Momming Hard: Day 20

It's Saturday! One of our neighbors runs a cookie business out of her home. She makes the MOST amazing cookies ever. We have ordered them for JMU football games, baby showers, and Christmas teacher gifts.  Now that all the kids are stuck at home, she came up with a great idea to do some cookie kits. Each kid got a kit of 6 cookies (Ainsley had a princess theme and Parker had a spring theme).  They received 3 colors of icing to decorate and special sprinkles for each one. They had so much fun decorating these delicious treats!

We also spent the day getting ready for some excitement - HOUSE GUESTS!!! Yes, yes, I know we are in a lockdown. But some of our best friends are moving (which was determined pre-coronavirus) and they are homeless for a few days in between moves. Since we work together and the kids are in school together, it is a great solution for everyone! We are excited to be stuck inside for a few days with people other than ourselves! 


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