A Brighter Day on Papa's Birthday: Day 37

Today was Papa's birthday! Although we couldn't have a proper celebration with him in person, we did bake cupcakes and delivered gifts to him (by passing them from the trunk of my car to the trunk of his). Thankful that he had a beautiful sunny day for his birthday. Also thankful that I had my first opportunity to pop the roof off the Jeep when I went to deliver everything! 

The kids also had a sunny and brighter day today. I think all our moods improved a little. The fifth grade is still holding a (virtual) science fair this year. Ainsley chose to do some experiments with different fertilizer in the garden. She chose 4 squash plants as her test subjects, and made beautiful rocks to mark each one for the experiment. 

This one is fertilized with coffee grounds. 

This one is fertilized with banana peels. 

This one is fertilized with egg shells. 

And here is our control plant, with no fertilizer. We'll watch what happens with these little guys over the next several weeks!

A few nights ago ABC aired the Family Disney Singalong, which is basically a bunch of famous people singing Disney classics from their homes. We had taped it and finally got around to watching it. The kids really enjoyed it, and Ainsley had an epic fan-girl moment at the end when the casts of Descendants, HS Musical, and Zombies all performed.

Here we go... 49 days left. We're making progress!


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