Momming Hard and Dancing Easy: Day 17

Our minds certainly are more creative when we are forced to stay in the same place all the time. As you know, sitting still is not something that Bowlins do well. But we are slowing down and trying to find joy in things around our house. The kids have found long-lost games in the playroom. I pulled out my bike and have been riding it. We've walked trails in the neighborhood that we never knew existed. Ainsley has been learning to cook and bake. If we return to school 15 lbs heavier, it's because I've kept a constant stock of baked goods on the counter. 

We've also decided this is a great time to expose our kids to some more music, and have had some great dance parties in the past few weeks. We thought that some nights at dinner we should play the top songs from a 'great' artist.  So far we've had nights of Kenny Rogers (seemed appropriate for the day he passed away), Michael Jackson (and the Jackson 5), James Taylor, and Elton John. For obvious reasons, there are a lot of artists that we consider to be 'great' but are unfortunately inappropriate for our 8 and 10 year old kids right now.  

During one of these musical dinner tours, we were discussing music videos. And we discovered that our kids didn't know what a music video is. Not surprising - we don't have MTV and even if we did I'm not sure I would let them watch it. So last night we googled 'best music videos of all time' and showed them a few. Again, probably 45 of the top 50 were not age appropriate, but we did get through a few of them. Thriller lasted about 2 of the 13 minutes before Parker got scared and ran out of the room. We switched to some other MJ classic videos, Billie Jean and Smooth Criminal.  We found a great YouTube video showing his moonwalk. We watched the video for I Will Always Love You, but then had to explain the premise of the Bodyguard movie, as that is featured heavily in the music video. We watched What a Feeling from the Flashdance soundtrack. Single Ladies was a big hit, as was Rhythm Nation. They love any music video that features great dancing. I was headed toward November Rain but my DH vetoed that one (now I feel like I have to watch it again...) Any great music video recommendations out there? 

While you ponder that question, I'll share some animal pictures. Because they never get old, right? Just a normal day... the animals like to follow the kids around the house just to make sure they are available to 'help' with their school work when needed. 

Panda did a great job 'helping' Flat Stanley by crushing his cardboard bed and sleeping on him. 

Blue was invited to supervise Ainsley's class call today. She thought he was a little cold... 

Then the others felt left out so they decided to help too. "Here we are, all three of us, helping Ainsley with her school work." 

Mr. Helpful himself


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