Momming on Days 40 - 42

Fridays are always a bit of a relief. We are busy wrapping up projects and school work, and getting excited about the weekend. This weekend was pretty 'typical' for the past month. Lots of house chores and laundry, riding bikes and watching movies, glasses (or bottles) of wine.

A bunch of the neighbors decided to get together and build a bridge over the creek behind us, so the kids could get back and forth easier. We had a bunch of leftover boards from having our deck rebuilt a few years ago, so the only cost was a box of screws and some beers!

The Builders. 

I ran 10 miles - the last of my long training runs before the half marathon next weekend. Needless to say, I was exhausted the whole rest of the day. Ashton, Kristina and I delivered a housewarming gift to the Freeds.  Just seeing their faces made me smile and thankful. Looking forward to the day when I can actually hang out with them and eat sushi at our favorite restaurant. 


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