Momming Hard: Cookies and Cosmos on Day 32

My day didn't start off well. I discovered my dear daughter had not been checking her school email (she "didn't know she was supposed to") and had 118 unread messages from her teachers. In addition to managing my own anxiety over having that many unread messages, I then had to sit down with her to go through everything and help her get organized. I remember posting last week that she was pretty independent and only came to me when she had questions. Well, apparently I only thought she was independent. She actually was missing all sorts of things. Nothing major, otherwise her teachers would've reached out to me. But enough that I felt bad for her. Cue #momguilt. I don't know why I feel like her performance reflects badly on me, but I'm sure I'm not the only parent out there who does. Then I feel guilty that this has been going on so long and I didn't catch it. I keep reminding myself that, although technology is part of MY usual work day, it has not been part of hers. Sure, she used her iPad in school for stuff. But she wasn't having to submit all her assignments on it like she is now. There's definitely a different way to organize when you have to do it remotely. And now we have to figure that out. It was a frustrating day for many reasons and I was glad we were all able to be 'done' for the day. 

So while Daddy and Parker played their (now recurring) Thursday evening golf, I made chocolate chip cookies and drank my favorite Cosmo. This might have to be my new weekly therapy. Eating cookie dough while drinking this delicious concoction was the best end to this day. 

My favorite cosmo recipe is here -


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