Gravity: Day 45

It's amazing what a little bit of prayer will do. And I don't mean my prayers - I mean the prayers of all my friends and family who read my post yesterday. I had a long board meeting call last night and afterwards I poured a glass of wine and sat down to unwind for a few minutes in front of the TV. I turned it on and the movie Gravity was showing (the one with Sandra Bullock). Not trying to ruin the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it...but the moment I turned it on is near the beginning of the film where she is floating helplessly through space. An explosion has sent her flying, untethered, into dark space. She is flipping over and over again, and can't get her bearings. George Clooney is asking her what she sees so he can find her position. She can't focus. She can't make out what is around her. This is how I felt for a good part of yesterday. 

A short while later in the movie they are trying to get back to the space station. They are approaching it too fast. She is frantically grabbing at ropes trying to catch herself so she doesn't tumble into space again. She's reaching for anything she can grab hold of - just clawing at anything in her path that will stop her from floating away. I'm watching this movie and realizing the irony of it. This is what I did all day yesterday. Spiral out of control, and then frantically try to grab on to anything that might give me some sense of direction.

I slept last night. Slept better than I have in weeks. I didn't even wake up to pee (which as a 40 year old woman is almost unheard of!)  The movie ends when the character makes it back to earth and stands up for the first time. Gravity. It's what (literally) keeps you grounded. I woke up this morning and stood, feeling like I had gotten my gravity back. I was no longer spiraling into space. I woke up with a sense of what I needed to do; it was laid out on a clear path before me. 

Thank you for the prayers. They brought gravity back to my life today. 


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