Momming Hard and Cutting Hair on Day 33

FRIDAY!!! We made it through another week! Whew... At least April seems to be moving a little faster than March did. I had to cover our garden last night, as the temps were hovering around freezing. Of course THIS YEAR we would have the potential for a late frost.

Luckily these little beauties had started blooming and that made me smile. 

Parker aced his spelling test today, and Ainsley had to choose a topic for the science fair project. Yep, fifth grade still does the science fair! It will be virtual this year, and hopefully I won't have to run all over town looking for posterboard. She is going to do some experiments with different fertilizers on the garden. Great. Everyone wins! 

Yep, we are still working in the fort. I gave them until Sunday and then I'm taking them down. I'm not sure who will be more upset - the kids or the cat. 

I ordered some hair clippers online and they arrived yesterday. Parker's hair (and Daddy's too) are getting a little out of control. And with all the salons closed I had to take matters into my own hands. 

I know. It's terrible. I have never cut hair once in my life. He was not happy with me at all (ignore the polite smile he gave for the camera). I reminded him that it will grow back in a few weeks, and until then he can wear hats everyday because he's not in school.  Honestly I think he's more worried about his friends making fun of him. Poor guy... #momfail. 


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