Momming Hard with Fort Fights: Day 31

Forts. A child's wonderland and a mother's nightmare. Every time the kids build forts they have a great time for about 3 hours, and then the %&#* hits the fan as soon as the first blanket falls. They argue over who gets which part of the fort, who has more pillows on their side, who has the better (or bigger) blankets. We've got 55 more days of this, so when they wanted to build a fort yesterday I just went with it. No forts in the living room. Nope. Nada. They decided to build one in Ainsley's room - a MASSIVE fort that covered her entire room. And then they decided to sleep in it. Normally I would squash that idea but... quarantine rules apply, right? I didn't think they'd last an hour but they ended up sleeping on the floor of their fort the entire night! 

You can see Ainsley's section in the back.

And here is Parker's "bed"

Wednesday morning started off well, with both of them doing their schoolwork in the 'offices' of their fort. Unfortunately by 9:30 the sibling love had worn off and they were fighting. Parker wanted his own fort in his room. So, after wrapping up one of my meetings, I spent 20 minutes helping him build his section of fort in his room so that he could get back to his school work. 

Ainsley was thrilled to have her whole fort to herself, and Blue was happy because she made a space just for him. 

Panda didn't care what was happening as long as he had a blanket or pillow to sleep on. And sleep he did... ALL DAY LONG in the fort. 

The 'outside' view of Ainsley's fort.

... and Parker's fort.

After getting them settled in their forts, they were very busy students and I had a very productive work day. Thank goodness for small victories. 


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