Momming Hard and Counting Down: Day 18

It's April 2nd! There are only 68 days left until the lockdown is lifted! For some reason that sounded better in my head before I typed it out. The kids did really well today with school. Parker had a spelling test, which he did on the driveway with chalk.  What a fun way to take a test!

I have shin splints in my right leg so I have to rest from running for a few weeks. It's unfortunate because I was getting in some serious miles during this lockdown. Changing it up and walking more and doing strength training. Eric and Parker played golf again, which is becoming their new Thursday evening routine.

While they golfed, Ainsley helped me clean out our pantry and fridge. Who knew I had so many expired salad dressings and stale trail mix?! I do love a good spring cleaning... makes me feel so great to have cleaned and organized spaces. And given how much I'm having to cook now, being able to open the pantry and actually find things is a real treat!

Panda presided over a Finance Committee call. 

And then he helped me edit some planners. 

I normally wouldn't post memes, but this one is just a perfect example of what my day looks like! LOL!

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