Momming Hard: Day 19

Ellis Marsalis passed away yesterday, so guess who we listened to all day? Sad that his passing is what it took to expose the kids to some amazing jazz. I made a trip to school today to check on my fish. My poor fish... they had to move to the Upper School building last summer when the AC broke in my office. And now they are back in my office but they're all alone. 67 days until I can go back to work and see them... and hope they are still alive then!

Had a great Women for Madison zoom call today to plan for 'virtual' giving day and other initiatives going forward. It was great to see these wonderful ladies and hear how they are dealing with life.

I'm so glad it's Friday. We had the kids' parent-teacher conferences today and it was nice to hear that they are handling their school work well from home. Since they didn't have school today, Eric took them both to the golf course. It was a beautiful, sunny, 60 degree day. I'm thankful that we made it through another week and have a nice weekend ahead of us. Lots of people on my prayer list, and I will continue to hope and pray to God to give us strength to make it through this. 


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