Momming Hard on Wellness Wednesday: Day 38

So. Many. Tears. I think Parker locked himself in his room three times crying. Wednesdays are hard. Who's kidding... EVERY day is hard. Our school is now having "Wellness Wednesdays" which means the teachers don't give any new assignments that day and the kids can catch up on other work from the week and take a break from screen time. I love the idea in theory. But I still have to work all day... so what do I do with them if they aren't doing school work?  

The first part of the day was actually pretty great. They read. They painted. I'm not entirely sure what else they did, but they played together and didn't bother me for a solid two hours. Just take a moment and imagine how productive I am when I can work uninterrupted for two hours. I was starting to think these wellness days are a great idea!  But within a few minutes of that thought passing through my head, I heard the yelling, stomping and slamming of doors. Oh well. It was great while it lasted. 

We took a break after lunch to get some fresh air and sunshine. The kids painted a bunch of these "HOPE" rocks as part of their Earth Day art project, so we walked along the trails and hid them.  Parker's mood didn't improve and he ended up coming home early while Ainsley and I finished. 

I also spent the day a little sad. Last night we found out that both the Berlin Marathon and Oktoberfest have been cancelled for  SEPTEMBER! We were planning to go to both - first to cheer my friend Ashton in the Berlin marathon, and then to celebrate Maggie's 40th birthday at Oktoberfest. What a punch in the gut...they are cancelling events 6 MONTH from now. When will it end?! So very sad for both of my friends who will miss their big events. 

But you know what? There was a ray of sunshine at the end of my frazzled day. Today is Administrative Professionals Day, and I received a beautiful surprise delivery from my school! What perfect timing to lift my spirits. 

48 days to go... God that's still a really long time...


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