Momming Hard on Easter: Day 28

He is Risen! I was sad that we couldn't do our usual church-and-brunch on Easter, but tried to focus on the positives - we are healthy and safe. Our families are healthy and safe. And no matter what is happening in the world, Easter is a time to celebrate Jesus.

We started the morning with an egg hunt!

A woman in our neighborhood has a cookie business. She makes the MOST amazing cookies, and we have ordered them for baby showers, tailgates, and other fun events.
She made Easter cookie decorating kits with edible 'paint'. That project kept the kids busy for a little while! 


After celebrating Easter, we dove into our next project: the GARDEN! The kids decided they would like to put in a garden where the playset used to be. They helped to clear the area, level the ground, build the beds and fill the beds! It was a busy day in the yard, but we had beautiful weather and it was a great family activity to do together. 

Lots and lots of dirt (and we had to go back for more!)

A very helpful handyman.

The first bed is complete!

Now on to the next one!

Bed #2 is done!

And bed #3 - all done!

We will get more dirt tomorrow, and will do the fence and the planting. Whew! What a day! 
Happy Easter!


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