Momming Hard: Day 35

51 days left of lockdown. Today looked a lot like yesterday, except Parker went golfing with Daddy. I had the house to myself when Ainsley went outside to play. So I sat at the table and worked on a puzzle with my mimosa. I got to enjoy looking at my new welcome sign while I puzzled. This is a cool sign I ordered from my friend's parent's business -

The "O" in Welcome has a bunch of different seasonal/holiday things you can put in its place. I had a rabbit for Easter and now I've switched to the flower for spring. I had this on my front porch but the wind was so bad last week, so I brought it inside and put it in the dining room. Now I kinda like it here because I get to see it myself! 

I took down all the forts in the kids' rooms (cue huge sigh of relief as I could see the floor again). They weren't too happy about it, but I think the secretly liked having their beds back. 

What else to do on a lazy Sunday? Watch a new Outlander episode and have a cat sprawl out on your lap. I swear he isn't really that big - but he sure can stretch out! 

Sigh... I wish tomorrow weren't Monday but it is. And it's going to rain. The garden needs it so I will be happy about it. 


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