Momming Hard: Day 27

59 days left of lockdown!!! Getting from the 60's to the 50's seems like a big milestone. Each day I struggle with different aspects of this lockdown. Some days it's juggling my schedule and the kids' schedules. Some days it's managing my own (admittedly high) expectations. Some days it's processing what is happening in the world, with illness and job loss and the stock market crashing. And other days it's just literally looking at the calendar and counting the number of days we have left of this. Today is one of those days where I am managing my emotions and just counting days. 

So today, with 59 days left, we said goodbye to our playset. We had it for almost 7 years and enjoyed it for many years. But with 8 and almost-11 year old kids, they have outgrown it. They rarely used it, and although I thought it might get more use during the lockdown, it really hasn't. We decided to give it to a multi-generational family with several kids who would use it. Our kids loved watching it being taken apart and loaded on a trailer to go to its new home. I was excited to see how much yard space we got back! 

In other exciting news, Parker had his first golf lesson today! From 6 feet away, of course. He loved it and is so excited about getting to play golf with Daddy every week. It's been such great bonding time for the two of them. 

And now we will get ready for Easter tomorrow. I am underprepared for this holiday, and the Easter bunny had a hard time finding things for his baskets. But we will focus on the real reason for the holiday and enjoy the time together. 


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