A hunting we will go...

This year Ainsley joined Mommy, Daddy and Papa at hunting camp, an experience that she continues to talk about weeks later. She set a new family record, as I didn't start going to hunting camp with my dad until I was 5. She slept in the bunk beds, rode the Ranger and ATV up the mountain, hiked in the woods, stomped in the snow, and even got to help Papa build a fire! He also got her a new miniature "hunting camp" game, complete with a toy cabin, dogs, deer, hunters (with bows), and an ATV! She had a great time looking for deer in the woods (although if you've ever been around my daughter you know that her constant chatter will scare away any deer in a 4 mile radius). Ainsley was very conscious about staying far away from the wood-burning stove in the middle of the cabin (my biggest concern). She loved everything about the experience and I'm sure she would've stayed all week if we'd let her! I know she'll be looking forward to doing it again next year.

Worn out after a morning spent getting hunting camp ready.
Watching the snow.

My little hunters!

All dressed up in their best hunting clothes.

Eating lunch at hunting cabin.

Sitting in Grandpa Ayres' rocking chair (her great-grandfather)

Enjoying some after-dinner iPad games.

Sound asleep in her bunk after a fun day!


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