
Showing posts from April, 2017

Happy Birthday Papa!

Last weekend we were lucky to celebrate my dad's 70th birthday party with friends and family. We drove up to Pennsylvania on Friday night, and spent Saturday morning doing a tour of Turkey Hill Ice Cream Experience. The kids loved learning how they make the ice cream, and then we all enjoyed making our very own ice cream flavors!  The kids helped Papa open his birthday presents. That night we surprised my dad with a party! About 30 people - family and friends - came to the club to celebrate his big day. The kids had a great time playing with their cousins, and we had a great time catching up with family and old friends.  What a special weekend to share with my dad! The cousins! The original cousins (sitting in the same positions as the younger generation - the only child, the only boy, the younger sister,  the boy's sister, and the oldest cousin!)    The whole family! (and yes, my son is barefoot) All the s...


Ainsley decided last fall that she wanted to take horseback riding lessons. The Ayres genes are strong with her! She started taking lessons at Level Green in Powhatan, and I decided to join her and start taking lessons again too!  I rode when I was young, and then took lessons when we first moved to Richmond, but having kids got in the way. :-) We normally have separate lessons, but this week we had to ride at the same time. Parker came along and was thrilled to be able to watch us. He is already talking about starting lessons when he turns six!  He used his iPad to try to document the entire hour, but I won't post all 13 videos here (many of the videos are of his shoes, or a bug he found interesting, or the fence post right in front of him).  But here are a few shorter ones where you can actually see Ainsley (she's in the bluish-green shirt, riding her chestnut pony, Lovey!) She can't decide whether she wants to be an Olympic swimming or equestrian, but luckil...

Kids and Friends

We had such an enjoyable weekend in Leesburg visiting some of our college friends. We have all known each other a long time, and spent many weekends together before we moved to Richmond and everyone started having kids. Between trips to Kiawah, annual lake vacations, and random holiday get togethers, we have managed to stay in touch over the years and watch all our kids grow up. And this weekend we managed to get a photo with all NINE of them!  My climbing boy Whitney and Ainsley (born 10 days apart) Tim (9) and Parker (5) Whitney and Lauren (3) helping Mama Caroline cook! Whitney, Ainsley, and Abby (5) What dinner with 9 kids looks like I have no idea what these girls were whispering about, but you know they are going to be trouble when they're older! It's hard to be a boy sometimes Abby is crying Tim: "Girls are so dramatic" Chris: "Yes, son, they are."  Ryan, the baby! (>1) Colin, th...