Kids and Friends

We had such an enjoyable weekend in Leesburg visiting some of our college friends. We have all known each other a long time, and spent many weekends together before we moved to Richmond and everyone started having kids. Between trips to Kiawah, annual lake vacations, and random holiday get togethers, we have managed to stay in touch over the years and watch all our kids grow up. And this weekend we managed to get a photo with all NINE of them! 

My climbing boy

Whitney and Ainsley (born 10 days apart)

Tim (9) and Parker (5)

Whitney and Lauren (3) helping Mama Caroline cook!

Whitney, Ainsley, and Abby (5)

What dinner with 9 kids looks like

I have no idea what these girls were whispering about, but you know they are going to be trouble when they're older!

It's hard to be a boy sometimes

Abby is crying
Tim: "Girls are so dramatic"
Chris: "Yes, son, they are."

 Ryan, the baby! (>1)

Colin, the birthday boy! (5)

Lauren (3), Ainsley (7), Ryan (>1), Whitney (7), Colin (5), Abby (5), Parker (5), Jake (5), Tim (9)

Abby, Parker, Jake, and Colin were all born within an 10 week time frame. It's so fun to see them all together!

Lauren thought she should have a better expression for this one...

 O'Neill kids plus my daughter

Three O'Neills...

...and the troublemaker!

I don't think Jake let Tim get more than an arm's length away the whole weekend. He was so happy to have time with his big buddy! (You can tell Parker is a little jealous)

The only surefire way to get all the kids to sit down for a picture? Turn on a robot movie.

Some group reading time

Awww... look at these two cuties with their matching cows.

Wait.... what just happened??

Being a mom to four kids is tough.... but she makes it look so easy!

A few card games before bed.

Yep, didn't manage to get a single picture of the adults. We had a great time too! But who has time for pictures when there are nine kids to keep track of?!  Many thanks to Tim and Caroline for hosting us at their beautiful home, and to Chris and Maggie for a delicious breakfast. Can't wait to see them all again!


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