
Showing posts from June, 2012

The Best Food

A few weeks ago we jointly celebrated Mothers and Fathers Days by going out to dinner with some friends. Not just any dinner, but dinner at the Inn at Little Washington. This resturant (and the chef/ower) have consistently been named among the top 10 restaurants and chefs in the world. Eric and I have been a few times before but it was the first visit for our friends Jon and Brandi. The six-course meal is easily one of the best meals I've ever had. Each course better than the previous one. Just for fun I wanted to share what we ate - many of these dishes may not sound like something you would normally choose from a menu, but I can promise they were delicious!  They brought out a sampling of hors d'oeuvres from the kitchen - some new dishes they were trying. I don't remember what they all were, except that they were delicious! For our second course we had this amazing chilled peach soup with a touch of reisling. My dinner (see if you can find a theme here...) Third course ...

Sneaky Bug

This morning I was getting dressed upstairs. I had just put Parker down for his morning nap. I hear clanging dishes in the kitchen, and then the freezer door slam shut. I start tip-toeing down the stairs and I hear the crinkling of a plastic bag. I know what she's doing - she has gotten a pancake out of the freezer. I sneak into the dining room, where she can't see me but I can see her. She is going through the bag of pancakes looking for the perfect one. The cabinet is open and she has a plate on the floor for her frozen pancake. She still doesn't know I'm watching her as she heads toward the microwave... At this point she runs over to the kitchen table and starts sliding a chair over to the counter. I come out of the dining room and she stops. Ainsley smiles at me with those angelic eyes and says "Mommy, can I have a pancake?"


Over the past few months I've tried to take a mental note of the wonderful experiences I've had during my maternity leave. Now that I'm back at work it makes me appreciate these moments even more. I am happy to be back in the office with my co-workers, but I do miss spending the day with my little chunky monkey and my snuggle bug. Ainsley is at the age where she learns new words every day and is constantly saying funny things. Here are a few of my favorite Ainsley quotes from the past few months. [In the first few weeks after Parker's arrival]: "Parker, go away!" "Mommy, put Parker down!" "Stop holding Parker" "Mommy, I want you to put Parker back in your belly." Thankfully that phase only lasted a little while. Now she sings lullabies to him when he cries in the car and says "Don't cry, Parker, we'll be home soon." If he cries at home she says "Mommy, my baby brother is hungry! You got to feed ...

The Double (Stroller) Life

Before we decided to have a second child I knew it would be extra work. But I never really believed those people who say that having a second child isn't double the work - it is quadruple the work. I consider myself a fairly efficient person. I would win medals if multi-tasking was an Olympic sport. But alas, all of my skills are useless in this new world of dual-child parenting. Since I will be working part time for the next few months, and will have both kids home with me two days a week, I finally broke down and bought a double stroller. Although Ainsley is mostly past the age of stroller-riding, it is an excellent way to confine her for a short period of time, especially when I am by myself. However, much like parenting two children, the double stroller weighs four times as much as a single stroller. I'm not sure how the mechanics of this formula work out, but I have added it to my list of unexplained parenting questions. The list also includes such pondering que...