Before we decided to have a second child I knew it would be extra work. But I never really believed those people who say that having a second child isn't double the work - it is quadruple the work. I consider myself a fairly efficient person. I would win medals if multi-tasking was an Olympic sport. But alas, all of my skills are useless in this new world of dual-child parenting. Since I will be working part time for the next few months, and will have both kids home with me two days a week, I finally broke down and bought a double stroller. Although Ainsley is mostly past the age of stroller-riding, it is an excellent way to confine her for a short period of time, especially when I am by myself. However, much like parenting two children, the double stroller weighs four times as much as a single stroller. I'm not sure how the mechanics of this formula work out, but I have added it to my list of unexplained parenting questions. The list also includes such pondering questions as: Why do my children take short naps when I have no plans, but take 3 hour naps when we need to be somewhere? How exactly do 'swim diapers' work? Why are toddlers obsessed with putting things in their nose?
This thing barely fits in my 4Runner!
I am anxious to see how this whole part-time-stay-at-home-mom thing works for the next few months. It is great to have the extra time with my kids, but Ainsley requires constant entertainment. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse will keep her occupied for about an hour in the morning, but after that we'd better have a whole day of activities planned. Luckily Richmond has a variety of toddler-friendly places to go - the Children's Museum, the zoo, the pool, Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens, Stony Point outdoor mall with water play, Maymont Park... the list goes on and on.
Poor Parker is mostly ignored during these outings, but of course he's mostly happy to just sleep through it anyways. I can't wait for the day that they can both walk and run and enjoy these activities together. Today at lunch Parker looked across the table at Ainsley and smiled at her. She was thrilled for the reaction and immediately started making funny faces at him. I can already tell she is going to teach him a lot of things over the next few months. I'm glad he is so fascinated by her - she loves being a big sister!
Proud big sister!
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