
Over the past few months I've tried to take a mental note of the wonderful experiences I've had during my maternity leave. Now that I'm back at work it makes me appreciate these moments even more. I am happy to be back in the office with my co-workers, but I do miss spending the day with my little chunky monkey and my snuggle bug. Ainsley is at the age where she learns new words every day and is constantly saying funny things. Here are a few of my favorite Ainsley quotes from the past few months.

[In the first few weeks after Parker's arrival]: "Parker, go away!"
"Mommy, put Parker down!"
"Stop holding Parker"
"Mommy, I want you to put Parker back in your belly."

Thankfully that phase only lasted a little while. Now she sings lullabies to him when he cries in the car and says "Don't cry, Parker, we'll be home soon." If he cries at home she says "Mommy, my baby brother is hungry! You got to feed him!!!"

Other Parker-related quotes:
"Babies don't eat dinner. They eat Mommy."
"I don't like penis."
(While trying to nurse her baby doll) "Mommy, mine isn't working!"
"Babies can't talk. I have to teach him."
"Dixie is MY doggie. But I will share her with you."
(While in the car): "Mommy, I'm not talking to you! I'm talking to my baby brother!"
"Parker, you got to eat something."

Other recent favorites, mostly directed at me:
"Okay, okay, Mama. We done talking about this."
"Wait a minute Mama. I got to check my map."
"Mama, why you say 'Come on Dude! Go go go!' to that car?"
"Moooommmmmyyyyy, you have to eat your dinner! You no get ice cream!"
"Mama, you not listening to me."
"Daddy, God made me special!"
"Old MacDonald had a turkey sandwich. E-I-E-I-O!"
"Yay Mommy! I so proud of you!" (after going to the bathroom).
And today: Me: "Mommy is going to the doctor tomorrow for a check-up." Ainsley: "Mama, you have another baby?"


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