A Tribute to Miss Robin

Sadly, today is the kids' last day with Miss Robin. We've known since last month that she would be taking on a new job, but it's taken a while to fully come to terms with the change. We didn't tell Ainsley until last weekend - she still has a difficult concept of time and we didn't want her worrying about it too far in advance. But this week, our last three days, have been more about celebrating all the wonderful things Miss Robin has done for our family over the past (almost) 4 years.

Ainsley was just 13 months old when we 'discovered' Miss Robin, who we found through a contact at our church.

Ainsley's first Halloween at Miss Robin's home.

It was here that she met her favorite friends, Davis and McKenzie, as well as others who have come and gone over the years. Miss Robin didn't hesitate with our spunky little girl, teaching her valuable life lessons such as patience and kindness. When Ainsley was old enough, Robin encouraged us to sign her up for our church preschool. It was certainly one of the best decisions we've made regarding her education so far. She has thrived there for the past two years, with Miss Robin driving her to and from WUMP three days a week. 

Two years ago we welcomed our son Parker into our lives. Robin scooped him up at ten weeks old and brought him into her loving home. He has never known any other caregiver - he looks to Miss Robin as the best teacher in the world. 

Ainsley's favorite place to crash at Miss Robin's house after a long day of playing. 

She celebrated birthdays with special 'birthday donuts.' She taught them how to spell their names using songs, and helped Ainsley learn her address in a single day with a catchy tune. Her favorite saying, according to Ainsley, is "You get what you get, and you don't pitch a fit." The kids love making trips with her to Wal-mart and playing in the yard on sunny or snowy days. She always has a funny story to share. 

Not only has she taught the kids so many things, she has taught us too. When we first arrived on her doorstep, we were still the inexperienced first-time parents of a one-year-old. She was always happy to provide insight and advice on our child-rearing problems and issues, or even a simple prayer to relieve our stress. 

Miss Robin wasn't just a babysitter; she loved our children as her own. Of course they will transition to the new routine, and I've probably spent more time worrying about it than they will. We'll still see Miss Robin at church or vacation bible school or the store. We'll still keep up with her family on Facebook. But for the past four years she has been a constant presence in our lives - a smiling face every morning, and a hug for the kids every afternoon. I will miss her just as much as the kids will. 

Thank you, Miss Robin, for all you've done for our children and for our family. May God bless you on your next adventure, and may He always remind you of the many lives you've touched over the years. 

"Ainsley, what is your favorite thing about Miss Robin?"
"She says I'm special. I love her so much!"

As do we all...


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