Class Pet

Every year the kindergarten classes get to pick out a class pet. They spend several weeks keeping a chore chart and helping out so they can earn money to help with the purchase. Last week they had a special field trip (on a bus!) to the pet store to pick out their new pal. They got a hamster and named it Oreo because, well, she looks like an oreo cookie to a bunch of five-year-olds. 

Oh - and here is Ainsley with her Senior buddy, Emily. They pair up the seniors and kindergarteners each year (the incoming and outgoing classes). They get to do activities with their buddy throughout the year. This was taken at Convocation, when they get to walk in together and sit in the front.

Each Thursday the 4th graders come in to read to her class. It gives the older kids a chance to practice reading aloud. Here is Ainsley with her 4th grade reading buddy. 

Here she is working hard on her letters!

Time for a field trip! Here is the whole kindergarten - all three classes. She's in the back row, 2nd from the left. 

Ainsley and her friend Karsen, riding the school bus together!

Here is Ainsley's class - she's 3rd from the right on the back row. They wear their Steward shirts on days when they have field trips or other special events. 

Watching Oreo get settled in his new home!

What a fun adventure!


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