Christmas Eve 2014

After enjoying the last several days at home with the kids - playing games, baking cookies, looking at tacky lights - we had a quieter day today. We attended the children's service at church, had our traditional post-church lunch at Five Guys, and took long naps. We got to talk to Grandma Camilla on the phone while the kids opened presents from her. We sprinkled reindeer food on the lawn, and put out cookies and milk for Santa. After reading some Christmas stories they are now in bed. I'm excited for tomorrow - the chaos and excitement - and the joy of being at home with our family for this special holiday. Not everyone has the chance to do that, so I try to appreciate it even more. As I think about all I'm grateful for, I'll quote one of the books we read tonight - The Spirit of Christmas, by Nancy Tillman. I had just nodded off, at a quarter past four, when the Spirit of Christmas stepped in through my door. With a great show of sparkles, he decked all my halls in ti...