Thanksgiving and the First Snow of the Year

Both kids had Thanksgiving programs at school. Parker had a 'feast' with his class of pilgrims, and sang a few songs for the parents. 

Ainsley's school had a musical Thanksgiving program. All of the kindergarten classes sang 'Timothy Turkey' - she's in the middle of the top row.

On Thanksgiving Day we drove to my parent's house in York. My mom's side of the family and my cousins were there. Ainsley and Parker got to play with cousin Kaitlyn, and we all had a fun day visiting.

It had snowed the day before and there was still just enough snow to make some snowmen - or in this case, a snow family!

Daddy and Papa headed up to hunting camp, while Nana came back to Richmond with me and the kids. I had to work for a few days, and then we all headed back up to PA for a few more days of hunting. Parker stayed with Nana at the lake, while Ainsley came to hunting camp with the rest of us. Although most of the snow had melted by then, Ainsley still had a great time hiking in the woods with Papa, making fires, and playing in puddles.


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