Cutest Boy in the World

Parker had his very first school program last night. We tried to dress him in his new Christmas clothes in the morning for preschool but he refused to wear his button-down shirt (he's very big on comfort and casual t-shirts these days). However when we got home last night I told him that Nana had bought him the shirt and she would love to see a picture of how handsome he was when wearing it. He said 'Okay...I show Nana" and didn't hesitate to put it on. He looked so cute, and it was fun to see his whole class dressed in their holiday best!

He is younger than Ainsley was when she started preschool, and we weren't quite sure how he would behave in front of a room filled with 400+ people. But he was wonderful! He walked right up to the front with the rest of his class and never hesitated. They were in the front row and he sang (or at least mouthed the words to) both of his songs. After his class was finished, they were to sit down so the 3-year-olds behind them could stand up and sing their songs. But Parker decided to just stand for the entire program and turned around so he could watch all the kids behind him. Such a considerate boy. :-) 

This was when he first saw me as they got up front. 

Here are some videos of the songs he sang. Isn't he just the cutest boy in the world?


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