Everything Easter!

We were blessed with such beautiful weather over the past week. What a great week to lead up to Easter! First, Parker had an Easter parade at his preschool on Thursday. He decorated his hat with bunny and chicken stickers.

Then he had an Easter Egg hunt on Friday. Ainsley and I were both off from school so she came along and helped me hide the eggs for his class.

On Saturday we went to Cross Creek Nursery, our local landscaping company. We have attended their annual Easter egg hunt for the past five years - it's always a good time!

On Saturday my parents also arrived! We went out for a nice dinner while the kids went to Kids Night Out at Romp n Roll. It was a fun-filled and busy day for all! On Sunday morning the kids were excited to wake up and see what the Easter bunny had left them. Although it was raining outside, they still had fun finding all the Easter eggs hidden in the yard.

Nana and Papa helped them find the tricky ones!

 After a big breakfast the whole family headed off to church (and tested out the selfie stick)!

Finally enjoying some candy!

Taking time to sort through all their treasures!

Unfortunately Easter Sunday was cloudy and rainy, but we still enjoyed a lovely holiday inside with a big family meal. Happy Easter to all! 


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