A Special Spring Visitor

We've been so busy lately that I haven't had time to post about all the exiting things we've been doing. But believe me, we are excited about them! Probably the most exciting thing was that Grandma Camilla came to visit! She had been planning a visit for 18 months but unfortunately health problems kept postponing her trip. We are so glad she was able to make it this year and the kids were especially excited to show off all they've been doing!

The kids had to show off how much they love their dogs.

Blue and Dixie showed off their retrieval skills.

Ainsley showed off her most recent work of art. 

Both kids got to show off their skills on the soccer field.

Ainsley proved that she's not too big to fit in Grandma's lap after a nap. 

We proved that you can find some decent seafood in Richmond (The Hard Shell) 

And we showed off our little body of water (Swift Creek Reservoir) with a Sunday brunch at The Boathouse.

We all had such a fun visit with Camilla and hope that next time we can visit her in Alabama!


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