Ainsley's Riding Camp - Week 1

Ainsley has loved horseback riding this year, so we signed her up for a few weeks of camp at her barn. It runs 9:30 - 4:30 every day,  and she spends all day outside. Each kid is assigned a horse to take care of for the week - mucking out stalls, grooming and cleaning, feeding and two riding lessons each day. They have daily lectures where they learn about horse care, colors, health, and all things horse-related. It's hard work in the Richmond summer heat, and I wasn't sure how she'd like it. Fortunately she loved every minute of it! The first day I picked her up, she was busy hauling buckets of manure out of the yard, and wanted to stay longer so she could get 'extra credit' for cleaning out some additional stalls.  She had a wonderful week, made some new friends, and got to show off her skills to the parents on Friday afternoon.  


She earned ribbons for grooming (3rd place), most improved rider (4th place), and stable management (6th place). She'll be back for three more weeks of riding camp this summer - I can't wait to see how she progresses! Thanks, Level Green, for such a fun program!


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