Pandemic Pause at the Pond

School is out. We're still working. There are no camps. What is there to do? Move to the lake! My parents offered to help watch the kids during the day while we worked, and they were ready for some quality grandkid time. We packed up the whole family - kids, dogs and cat -  and moved to the guest house for two weeks. This has been such a great change of scenery for all of us. 

We would eat breakfast at the guest house each morning, and then the kids would get dressed, pack their backpacks, and ride their bikes to the main cabin to spend the day with the grandparents. My DH and I could work peacefully at the guest house, taking a break to have lunch with everyone.  Then after work we can sit outside, help with some chores, and all eat dinner together. 

During the day the kids have been busy helping Nana and Papa with chores. They spend ALL day outside  - exploring in the woods, swimming in the lake, kayaking, fishing, riding bikes (thankfully my parents keep everything and had 3 of my old bikes in the barn). 

Nana took the kids to several of the local cemeteries where our relatives are buried. They cleaned the stones, planted flowers, and had a fun scavenger hunt finding everyone that they're related to.  

My grandfather was the caretaker of this cemetery for 25 years, and this stone bed was put up in his memory. The kids planted some beautiful flowers there!

There's an abundance of wildlife this time of year. The kids saw two sets of bears together - moms with twin cubs (6 bears total)!  We've seen a lot of baby deer - some just a day or two old and just slightly larger than our cat. We have a nest of phoebes above the door of the guest house, so we've enjoyed watching them grow and fledge. After the rain the kids always go hunting in the woods for newts, and come home with dozens of them to put in their log 'homes' that they built for them. 
Both the kids and the dogs have been busy looking for frogs and toads. We've gone fishing almost every night. 

We helped Nana and Papa plant their garden. We weeded flower beds. We've worked on tearing out the beaver dams. 

The kids have spent a TON of time building a fort at Sabin's Bedroom (a cool rock formation). They love taking the walkie talkie out so they can be out on their own for some adventures.

And of course we've enjoyed lots of s'mores and outdoor eating! 

The dogs and cat love living up here. We weren't sure how the cat would travel but he has been totally fine. He loves the guest house - lots of windows, lots of bugs to kill, and lots of fun new places to sleep. The dogs wear themselves out each day, chasing chipmunks, swimming, and digging holes in the woods. 

Still loves 'helping' us with work and always wants to join conference calls. 

Dog-tired after a day of play!

So thankful to my parents for helping with the kids during this time, and so thankful to have some time away from the real world. It feels normal up here, in our little bubble on the edge of the world. I am grateful. I am blessed. I am happy. I am loved.


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