Happy Little Man

I feel like I spend so much time talking about the funny things that Ainsley is doing that I forget to mention our newest little guy. I just can't get over what a happy baby Parker is. He almost never cries - so little, in fact, that when he does cry it usually means something is wrong. Last weekend we discovered he had an ear infection, simply because he was crying and we knew that was not normal. Parker is the easiest baby and has been such a wonderful addition to our family.  He always has a smile ready for anyone who looks at him, and he especially loves to coo and flirt with any nearby females. He's going to be a heart-breaker when he gets older!

Parker greets me each morning with an excited smile to start the day. It's probably because I'm his food source, but I like to think he's also anxious to spend time with me. He smiles at Ainsley whenever she is making silly faces at him, or when she holds toys for him to grab, or covers him with her blanket. She is quickly discovering that she can make him smile and laugh just by talking to him. He definitely loves his big sister!

At four months, Parker weighs about 16 lbs and is quickly outgrowing his 6 month clothes. I can tell we are going to have a lot of shopping to do for this little stylish guy!  He is already rolling over both ways - he can never decide whether he wants to be on his back or stomach. It usually changes depending on where Ainsley is because he is fascinated with watching her. He is constantly chewing on something - his hands, a rattle or toy, his giraffe lovie, my shirt, a handful of dog hair that he grabs from the carpet - anything that is within his reach.

I sure do love my little man!

A big smile for Papa!

His smile turned to a very serious look as soon as I pulled out the camera (and he was busy chewing on the burp cloth).


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