North Carolina Mountains

This past weekend we made the trip to Skip and Reva's mountain home in North Carolina. This was Parker's first trip to the in-law's house, and he also go to meet his Uncle Scott, Aunt Kelli, and three cousins! The views are always beautiful, and we even got to enjoy watching a thunderstorm roll up the mountain on Friday.  The dads took some of the kids to the creek to play on the rocks and splash in the water, while the moms stayed at home and relaxed. On Saturday Reva watched the younger kids - Carolina (4), Ainsley (3), and Parker (5 months), so the rest of us could go tubing down the Green River. Skip, Scott, Kelli, Eric and I, plus Maddie (13) and Caleb (10) enjoyed a leisurly 3-mile float down the river, with a few "rapids" thrown in to keep it exciting!

That afternoon we gathered ALL the kids and took the whole family back to the creek for some playtime. The kids jumped on rocks, searched for crawfish, threw sticks, played in the mud, and had an all-around good time. Skip, Reva, Scott, Eric and I also took the plunge and jumped off a 15-foot boulder into a deep pool of water. A little chilly but very fun! Parker watched the excitment from the safe and secure arms of Aunt Kelli.

Saturday night Eric's Aunt Alice and Uncle Jamie, and cousins Colin and Griffin came up to the mountain for a visit and to meet the newest family member. The kids enjoyed target practice with the pellet gun and the sling shot - both very popular activities at the Williams' wooded home!

The 7-hour trip car ride home was a little nerve-wracking. It was the longest drive we've done (non-stop) with both kids and now I know why. Parker prefers to ride in the car when he's sleeping. Unfortunately when he wakes up he becomes bored with his toys after about 10 minutes and then the crying begins. Even Ainsley's singing can't keep him entertained for long!  But we finally made it home after a fun and enjoyable weekend. Here are some highlights!

Finally got Ainsley to wear headphones for part of the trip. No more listening to Barney songs!
A beautiful morning on the mountain.

Parker, very intently watching his cousin Maddie.

A yogurt-eating race (the only way to get Ainsley to eat dinner)
Monster feet!
Parker with cousin Maddie

Parker: "What are you doing Ainsley?!"

Ahh... now that's better!


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