
It's hard to believe my littler girl started preschool this year! Ainsley will be attending preschool part-time this year (Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:30am - 12:30pm). We are lucky to have a wonderful preschool at our church, and she even got into the same class as one of her good friends, Julianne (her parents are friends of ours from college). Friday was Open House and she got to meet her teachers and see her classroom. She also got to pick up her new backpack! Ainsley spent all weekend excitedly talking about going to school and showing off her backpack. By the time Monday rolled around she was "super excited!"

I worked from home on her first day so I could drop her off and pick her up. In the car on the way to school we talked about all the fun things she was going to do, and reminded her about listening to her teachers and following directions.

[Side note - last week I told Ainsley to put on her "listening ears" because she wasn't listening to me. She said "Mommy, I'll put on one ear. I don't want to listen with two ears."]

Ainsley was so excited to see Julianne when we pulled into the parking lot. The two of them had a little pep-talk about school and then she was ready to get inside. She remembered where to hang her backpack, and quickly went in to see her teachers and join her classmates. I had to chase her down to get a hug, and she obviously had no hesitation about me leaving. Any visions I might've had about an emotional, heart-warming embrace on the first day of school quickly disappeared. But that's my little girl - independent, confident, and no-nonsense! I wouldn't have it any other way.

Meeting her teachers at Open House (and wearing the dress Nana made for her!)

First day of preschool!

Ainsley and Julianne are so excited!

Hanging up her backpack.

Putting away her folder.

Playing with plah-doh while she waits for the rest of her classmates.


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