Big Sister

We were upstairs with the kids. Eric was working on a few house projects and I was putting the kids’ laundry away. Ainsley was playing in her room with Dixie and her kitchen set (making “coffee” for the dog). Parker was in his room on the floor with some toys while I put his laundry away.  After just a few minutes he starts crawling across the hallway and into Ainsley’s room (apparently she’s much more entertaining than I am). The first thing I hear is “No Parker! You can’t come in my room! Only GIRLS are allowed in here!”  Then I look over and she is holding his hand and dragging him across the floor back to his room. I gasp and run over to grab him, but I look down and he has the biggest grin on his face. He thought it was the funniest thing ever. I told Ainsley she couldn’t drag him by the arm because she might hurt him. Whew... disaster averted. He's fine. She goes back to her room to play with Dixie, and Parker is in his room with a stuffed animal.  A few minutes pass and he crawls back into her room. I poke my head out of the closet and see Ainsley dragging Parker back to his room by the leg. He looks at me with a huge smile on his face. He sure does love his big sister.



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