Daddy, the Football Whisperer

As a mother (and essentially a single mother for many weeks of the year), I pride myself on being able to comfort and control my children when we are out in public. However I have quickly realized that these skills are inadequate when it comes to watching live sporting events. My scooting, crawling, chewing-on-everything son, and my bouncing, talkative, high-energy daughter, have a difficult time sitting through a 3+ hour college football game every weekend. However - being the smart woman that I am - I married a man who is perfectly capable of keeping his children entertained while watching the game.

Exhibit #1:  He gets Parker to take a nap (30 minutes at least) during every single game. In the middle of drunken cheering college students, yelling hot dog vendors, and Ainsley's incessant chatter, Eric takes on the role of "Baby Whisperer" and gets our little guy to snooze.

Napping through JMU-Towson
Napping through JMU-W&M
Snoozing through JMU-Alcorn St
Sleeping through Homecoming JMU-Georgia State

When he wakes up from a snooze on Daddy, he is all smiles again!
Exhibit #2: He teaches Ainsley and Parker some of many great game-day lessons:

If you want to get to the game in time to see the band, Daddy has to carry you.
When you see Duke Dog, you should always give him a snuggle.
Always smile for pictures with Duke Dog.
Make friends with people who dress like you.
Always keep your eye on the ball, even when you are eating.

Replays are very serious.
It's okay to laugh at the other team. 
At the end of a long game Daddy will carry you back to the car.
Exhibit #3: He passes on his love of the game to his family. Although sometimes the love of the game comes out in strange places. Like when Ainsley yells "Go Redskins!" while walking through the grocery store parking lot...


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