Christmas #1

This year we were lucky enough to celebrate Christmas multiple times with our different families. Our first celebration started the weekend before Christmas when Reva and Skip (Grandma and Grandaddy) arrived from North Carolina. We enjoyed three days together, and Parker got his first experience with Christmas gifts. Ainsley is a pro by now, and she was more than happy to open everyone's gifts for them. She also thought she should "help" Parker by opening all his gifts and then playing with them, just to make sure they worked.
Parker and Grandaddy

Ainsley, opening up her new doll.

Ainsley showing Grandma and Grandaddy the photo book we made for them.

Helping Parker open his gifts

Not quite sure what he's supposed to do with this box...

Enjoying a new book with Grandma!

Silly bug with her new hat

Grandaddy spent a lot of time helping Ainsley make a beaded bracelet and necklace!
We also attended the live nativity show at the zoo. This is a great event, where they have actors and use animals from the zoo (camels, sheep, goats, etc) to tell the Christmas story. Although we had to wait in line and it was a bit cold outside, we all managed just fine and the kids really enjoyed the show. Parker was fascinated by the lights and animals, and Ainsley really seemed to follow the story since she had spent a lot of time learning about it in preschool.

All bundled up and ready for the show!

Riding the "train" to get to the zoo.

Waiting to see the Christmas Nativity
One of my favorite funny stories from the weekend happened the first night of their visit. Ainsley is at that age where she asks a lot of questions but doesn't always listen to (or understand) the answers. Ainsley commented at the dinner table that Skip and Reva's dogs (Charlie and Annie) were scared of Dixie. Skip spent several minutes explaining that they weren't scared of her, but that they were old dogs and Dixie is a young dog, and they don't have the energy to play with her. He spent a lot of time trying to fully explain the dynamic between the dogs, their ages, sizes, energy levels, and personalities. Ainsley listened very intensely, and was very quiet and polite. When Skip was finished with his explanation, she turned to me and said "Charlie and Annie are scared of Dixie."

Our funny little man, Parker, is at the age where he feels the need to repeat things over and over again. As evidenced with this new toy that he received from Grandma and Grandaddy.

Over three days we spent a lot of time playing, eating, and enjoying each others company. What a great way to start off our Christmas season! Merry Christmas and lots of love to Grandma and Grandaddy!


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