Christmas #3

For our third family Christmas celebration we headed up north to my parent's house in Pennsylvania. Along the way we stopped for a bite to eat and some playtime. Ainsley was happy to see her "best friend again."

We spent 3 days in York, enjoying food and family time. Ainsley and Parker had fun opening their third round of gifts. Our Christmas tree at home was up on a table (out of Parker's reach). However he quickly discovered that Nana and Papa's tree was on the floor, and therefore easy to chew on. In addition to practicing his tree-trimming skills, he also learned how to climb the stairs! A skill he has since perfected since returning home.

Another climber, just like his big sister.

Santa came to Nana and Papa's house too!

Trying to get to the tree again.

Helping Nana with her stocking

After many attempts at eating the tree, Parker was finally confined to the ExerSaucer.

Helping Nana and Papa open their photo book

Enjoying Ainsley's new princess castle

Showing off her gifts to Lila

Trying out her new Plasma Car from Aunt Darlene!

I think we have a future pilot!

Such a big boy!
York had a beautiful white Christmas week, and one night we ventured out to a local park that had light displays. The first attempt we had to go home because they were closed due to the ice. Our second attempt was successful however, and the kids enjoyed the mile-walk with lights, trains, and other seasonal entertainment. Parker, once again, was happily bundled up in his stroller - probably the warmest one there!
Watching trains with Papa

They really are happy - they're just distracted by the singing penguins.
And the best part of visiting Nana and Papa? Ainsley got to make "special pancakes" with Nana every morning. Always a highlight for our little chef! She also helped prepare some of the food for our Christmas meal. What a fun trip and a continuation of our family's holiday celebrations.


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