Just a Typical Weekend
This past weekend was just a typical weekend at the Bowlin home. Friday night we visited our friends Jenn and Kyle and saw their new baby girl, Emma. She was a week old and adorable. And tiny. I forget how small they are when they are born! Little Bug and Chunky Monkey are now 38 and 23 lbs, respectively. Little 7 lb Emma feels like a feather! [Mommy points lost for taking two germy kids to see a newborn: 2] I did lecture Ainsley about not touching ANYTHING. She was pretty good. And we used a lot of hand sanitizer. As a reward, we all went to Cheese House for dinner (aka Noodles & Company). [Mommy points earned for a fun dinner out: 1]
Ainsley had dance class Saturday morning - she will not tolerate pictures these days, but she looks adorable in her little pink tu-tu! [Mommy points earned for braiding her hair the way she likes: 1] Meanwhile, Parker played peek-a-boo in a Diapers.com box.
It was bitterly cold outside so the whole family went to the Children's Museum. Ainsley drove a race car, painted, went grocery shopping, and pretended to be a vet. Parker spent 25 minutes pushing a car around.
Then he went to the "baby" area and spent 15 minutes climbing up and down the slide. [Mommy points earned for making sure he didn't do a face-plant down the slide: 2]
Saturday night we bought tickets to attend a spaghetti dinner fundraiser for the local boy scout troupe (our babysitter's husband and sons are very involved). Mimi, Tata and Jake joined us for a yummy meal, complete with entertainment from the high school jazz band and some Native American dancers. Parker was quite fascinated by the whole thing. [Mommy points earned for exposing our children to different cultures: 1] Ainsley decided she didn't like spaghetti that day, so she ate a roll and a piece of cake. Then the Gallo's came back to our house for a quick drink, and Ainsley ate a bowl of popcorn. [Mommy points lost for promoting bad eating habits: 2]
Sunday we enjoyed lunch out, then Eric and Ainsley played at the mall's playground while Parker and I went to Costco. I learned about 5 months ago that a family of four cannot survive in Costco together. One of two things happens: a divorce, or a lost child. Sometimes both. Parker enjoys people-watching at Costco, and isn't old enough to ask me to buy him things. Although I did buy an adorable Easter dress for Ainsley [Mommy points earned: 1] and then afterwards we took her to get frozen yogurt [another Mommy point earned: 1].
Editor's note: If you have the opportunity to visit the Sweet Frog on Midlothian Turnpike across from Chesterfield Towne Center, please go. We had to wait in line for a while and Ainsley was getting a little fidgety. The nice owner came over and said she could get her ice cream for free because he felt bad that she had to wait so long. Nice guy!
Now back to the story. Every few days Ainsley has a new word that she learns - sometimes in school, sometimes from the older kids at Robin's, or sometimes from us. Ainsley's newest word is "actually." I wish she would let me tape one of our conversations in the car, because it would go something like this:
"Mommy, are we going home now actually?"
"Yes, it's time to take a nap."
"Well, we don't actually have to take naps every day actually."
"Yes, we do."
"What are we going to do after my nap? I want to paint actually."
"Yes, we can paint after your nap."
"Parker can't paint because he's a baby actually. Does he actually eat paint?"
And so on....
Last week the word was "something." I can't wait to see what her next word-of-the-day will be!
After naps I cleaned up the kitchen and unloaded the dishwasher. [Mommy points lost for walking away with the dishwasher open: 1]
Sunday night I babysat Jake so Mimi and Tata could enjoy a nice belated Valentine's Day dinner out. They put him to bed before I got there so I really didn't have to do anything except listen to the baby monitor, read magazines and watch tv. [But I'll give myself 1 Mommy point for being a good friend.]
Total Mommy points earned by the end of the weekend: 3. Shouldn't I get a cupcake actually?
Ainsley had dance class Saturday morning - she will not tolerate pictures these days, but she looks adorable in her little pink tu-tu! [Mommy points earned for braiding her hair the way she likes: 1] Meanwhile, Parker played peek-a-boo in a Diapers.com box.
It was bitterly cold outside so the whole family went to the Children's Museum. Ainsley drove a race car, painted, went grocery shopping, and pretended to be a vet. Parker spent 25 minutes pushing a car around.
Saturday night we bought tickets to attend a spaghetti dinner fundraiser for the local boy scout troupe (our babysitter's husband and sons are very involved). Mimi, Tata and Jake joined us for a yummy meal, complete with entertainment from the high school jazz band and some Native American dancers. Parker was quite fascinated by the whole thing. [Mommy points earned for exposing our children to different cultures: 1] Ainsley decided she didn't like spaghetti that day, so she ate a roll and a piece of cake. Then the Gallo's came back to our house for a quick drink, and Ainsley ate a bowl of popcorn. [Mommy points lost for promoting bad eating habits: 2]
Sunday we enjoyed lunch out, then Eric and Ainsley played at the mall's playground while Parker and I went to Costco. I learned about 5 months ago that a family of four cannot survive in Costco together. One of two things happens: a divorce, or a lost child. Sometimes both. Parker enjoys people-watching at Costco, and isn't old enough to ask me to buy him things. Although I did buy an adorable Easter dress for Ainsley [Mommy points earned: 1] and then afterwards we took her to get frozen yogurt [another Mommy point earned: 1].
Editor's note: If you have the opportunity to visit the Sweet Frog on Midlothian Turnpike across from Chesterfield Towne Center, please go. We had to wait in line for a while and Ainsley was getting a little fidgety. The nice owner came over and said she could get her ice cream for free because he felt bad that she had to wait so long. Nice guy!
Now back to the story. Every few days Ainsley has a new word that she learns - sometimes in school, sometimes from the older kids at Robin's, or sometimes from us. Ainsley's newest word is "actually." I wish she would let me tape one of our conversations in the car, because it would go something like this:
"Mommy, are we going home now actually?"
"Yes, it's time to take a nap."
"Well, we don't actually have to take naps every day actually."
"Yes, we do."
"What are we going to do after my nap? I want to paint actually."
"Yes, we can paint after your nap."
"Parker can't paint because he's a baby actually. Does he actually eat paint?"
And so on....
Last week the word was "something." I can't wait to see what her next word-of-the-day will be!
After naps I cleaned up the kitchen and unloaded the dishwasher. [Mommy points lost for walking away with the dishwasher open: 1]
Sunday night I babysat Jake so Mimi and Tata could enjoy a nice belated Valentine's Day dinner out. They put him to bed before I got there so I really didn't have to do anything except listen to the baby monitor, read magazines and watch tv. [But I'll give myself 1 Mommy point for being a good friend.]
Total Mommy points earned by the end of the weekend: 3. Shouldn't I get a cupcake actually?
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