County Fair Fun

What's better than a good ole county fair? Every year we've enjoyed going to the state fair, and last year we discovered the Chesterfield County Fair. Just as many rides, but cheaper and less crowded. Last year Parker just slept in the stroller while Ainsley went from ride to ride to ride. But this year was a little more challenging. Parker REALLY wanted to go on all the rides that Ainsley went on, but he was still too little for most of them. We did find a few that he could do with her, but he mostly spent the night trying to convince me to play the pick-a-duck-from-the-pool game.

Not quite sure about driving this by himself...

 Just like Grandpa Ayres' tractor!

Our little cowgirl.

 Watch out! That's trouble!


Parker takes his driving very seriously.


Dinner for my little ones consisted of ice cream, french fries and cotton candy. Mother of the Year!


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