The New Gig

I've officially been in my new job for a few weeks and so far it's going well! It's a big change going from a university to a k-12 school (the miniature potties are still taking a while to get used to). But it's also nice that I can bring my kids to school events and there are lots of other young families around, not just drunk college students. My colleagues have been very welcoming and friendly. I love the fact that I have brand-new matching furniture in my office, after spending the past 8 years with a hodge podge of mix-matched hand-me-down furniture. My new boss is great, and I've moved into the position pretty easily. It was definitely the right decision!

I'm continuing to consult for UR so that my former co-workers can me with questions. I'm also still presenting two sessions at the continuing education conference in November - I'm excited that I am still able to be involved with the organization for a little while longer.

The hardest part of my new job? Keeping my candy dish hidden from the lower school kids...


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