A Visit with Grandma Camilla

Grandma Camilla made the flight from Alabama last weekend to come for a visit. She hasn't seen Parker since he was 4 months old, and what a big change! We are so glad she could spend some time with us. Saturday was cold and rainy but we decided to take the opportunity to visit the new dinosaur exhibit at the Science Museum of Virginia. We'd never taken the kids before and they had a fabulous time. We didn't even get to half of the museum, but they were thrilled with the trains, snakes, and dinosaurs.

 Parker almost had a heart attack when he looked outside and saw 4 train cars lined up. 

Ainsley's first time petting a snake. She was so brave!

Then she saw stuffed snakes in the gift shop when we left and HAD to have one. Parker got one too. Sabrina (pink snake) and Sammy (blue snake) have now joined our family. 

Sunday we all got dressed up for church, and even managed to get a few pictures with the kids. We also swapped Christmas presents with Grandma Camilla - a rare treat for her to witness! What a wonderful weekend visit!


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