Miscellaneous Summer Fun

I've been pretty bad about posting recently, and I must apologize to my fans readers. Now that summer is here and life is a little less hectic, I hope I'll have the time to update you more often. With that being said, here are a few random fun moments from the past month. 

Here we are enjoying a Flying Squirrels baseball game. Parker enjoyed it until he saw me drinking what he thought was juice from a small plastic cup. He threw a full-on tantrum in the stands because I wouldn't let him drink my wine. 

Parker and I left early for bedtime, while Ainsley and Daddy stayed for the rest of the game and watched fireworks. 

Our neighborhood pool opened! This is our first full summer getting to take advantage of this great benefit, just right down the trail from our house. The kids enjoy the splash park and the pool. By the end of summer they will both be tanned water babies! 

Enjoying some marshmallow treats in the church nursery.

A post-nap grumpy girl and her popcorn-eating sidekick.

Kinda random that Nutzy the Squirrel (see Flying Squirrels above) was at the JMU Alumni CrabFest. She did also get some good time with Duke Dog. 

A quick visit from Nana and Papa after their trip. Parker gave lots of snuggles before they left.


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